Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Pretzels

Ever have one of those days where you just look at an ingredient in your pantry and wonder what to do with it? That happened to me the other day. I bought some marshmallow fluff on a whim a few weeks ago, and nothing had happened with it yet. It was time. I looked around the pantry for a little, and settled on chocolate covered marshmallow pretzels.

As with any chocolate dipped treat, these are pretty easy to make. The most important thing to do is make sure that you freeze the pretzels well after dipping them in the marshmallow fluff. The whole thing goes a lot better if the fluff is frozen solid.

The other thing to remember is that it is very easy to break pretzel rods. Marshmallow fluff is stiff enough to do that if you aren’t careful during the dipping process.

I chose pretzel rods because they’re easy to hold after dipping. If you want to do this with pretzels in the traditional knot, I’d suggest spooning the fluff onto them and coating the whole thing.

The first few pretzel rods were simple to dip. Poke them into the fluff, pull them back out, and they’re nicely coated. Allow a generous portion of marshmallow fluff to remain on the pretzel, or the other flavors will overwhelm the marshmallow.

marshmallow fluff with pretzel

After those first few, however, the fluff needs a good stir, and you’ll probably need to use a spoon to get the fluff onto enough of the pretzel rod.

Place each fluff dipped pretzel rod onto a baking sheet covered in parchment paper. Work quickly, as the marshmallow fluff will slowly puddle to the sides of the pretzels. Freeze as soon as possible for at least an hour.

fluff dipped pretzels

Prepare a second baking sheet by covering it with parchment paper. You can’t reuse the one that the pretzel rods covered in marshmallow fluff are on in the freezer right now – the fluff will sometimes remain behind as you pick up the rods to dip in chocolate. It’s much neater to use a second baking sheet instead.

Melt your chocolate in the microwave in 30 second increments with some coconut oil to help it run more smoothly. Stir between rounds until the chocolate is smooth.

Check on the frozen pretzel rods. If the marshmallow fluff pulls smoothly off the parchment paper, they’re ready for dipping. If it sticks, they need more time.

Working quickly, dip each pretzel rod in the chocolate and place on the second baking sheet. Cover the marshmallow fluff section completely. Add sprinkles if desired. If the marshmallow fluff starts sticking, they need to go back into the freezer for at least 10-15 minutes before you continue dipping. Place all the rods into the refrigerator or freezer once you’re done dipping them to solidify the chocolate.

Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Pretzels

Eating these chocolate covered marshmallow pretzels frozen is the most fun. The marshmallow fluff is nicely chewy when frozen. They taste great at room temperature too. Marshmallow fluff will try to escape out of any gaps in the chocolate if you keep these at room temperature.

Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Pretzels

Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Pretzels
  • 10 pretzel rods
  • 1 container marshmallow fluff
  • 8 oz chocolate chips
  • 2 tsp coconut oil
  1. Prepare two baking sheets by covering them with parchment paper. You will need one for the first part of this recipe, and the second later on.

  2. Dip each pretzel rod in the marshmallow fluff. The fluff will need to be stirred regularly with a spoon, and you may need to use a spoon to spread the fluff further onto the pretzel rods. Place each one on the first baking sheet, making sure the fluff covered portions do not touch.

  3. Freeze them for at least one hour, or until the marshmallow fluff pulls cleanly off the parchment paper when the pretzel is picked up.

  4. Melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil together in the microwave in 30 second increments, giving a quick stir between rounds, until smooth.

  5. Working quickly, dip the frozen fluff covered pretzel rods in the chocolate. Cover the marshmallow fluff completely. Add sprinkles if desired. If the fluff starts to stick to the parchment paper, put them back into the freezer for 10-15 minutes, then continue dipping.

  6. Refrigerate or freeze the chocolate covered marshmallow pretzels to solidify the chocolate. These can be served frozen or at room temperature.